
What is an Emotional Release Session?

Emotional Release sessions are an energy healing technique from Emotion Code that help us to identify specific trapped emotions that are holding us back. These are stuck emotional energies from seemingly minor troubling or traumatic past events that impacted us so deeply, our psyche, behavior and ability to manifest positive things is being blocked. It is literally an energetic block that is in the body and the psyche.

Trapped Emotions can cause people to feel sad, anxious, or even block people from love and happiness. They can also make us feel as though we are unable to connect on a deep level with others (even though we may want to). Trapped Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, their presence exerts an influence on physical tissues, potentially leading to acute discomfort and even illness.

Releasing this emotional residue helps make conditions right for the body to recover, as a result, physical and emotional difficulties often disappear become much more manageable.

  • Eliminate Back, Neck and Knee Pain
  • Increase Energy
  • Release Trauma
  • Improve Brain Function
  • Sleep Better
  • Improve Digestion
  • Boost Immunity
  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve Flexibility

What is Essential Harmony Healing?

Essential Harmony is a form of body work and healing that grew out of years of personal growth and studies with shaman and healers around the world. My work permeates throughout many levels. It addresses your tissues, your mind, your subtle energies and your emotional and physical bodies.

Essential Harmony can help with many types of emotional, pain, digestive and immune issues. I highly recommend it as “preventative” medicine for the body and soul as it helps to reset the nervous system back to a state of neutral.

Each body’s tissue has a language all its own. How your tissue moves or doesn’t move or the way it pulses tells me a lot. I use a gentle, non-invasive, conscious touch to literally dialogue and negotiate with your tissue, inviting it to consider walking through a gateway to change. Somehow, just by being heard and being asked what it wants, your tissue will often choose to unwind, lengthen, breathe.

New possibilities for movement just seem to appear and be natural, but there is not always a sense that something “big” happened in the moment. The process of a session allows your body to better connect with itself and when it works as a more cohesive unit, you will experience more synchronicity in your outer world. You become better equipped to see possibilities where you might have experienced limitations before. Pain often disappears or lessens and there is a greater sense of connection.
  • Reduce back, knee, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Have a greater sense of connection to self and others
  • Open up creatively
  • Breathe more fully
  • Let go of fear that is holding you back
  • Improve digestion
  • Be more at peace with traumatic emotional and physical experiences
  • Fortify your immune system

What is Raindrop Therapy?

Raindrop treatments are part therapy and part spa. This therapy is remarkably effective for spinal health, but also supportive of emotional release, and all of the body’s major systems: circulatory, respiratory, immune, cardiovascular, endorcrine and nervous system. 
Although it is similar to a massage, it is far more effective in its capacity to bring about relief from many physical and emotional issue. The treatment combines specific essential oils, with specific internal chemistry; with specific techniques to create radiant health and emotional balance. After a treatment, most people leave pain-free and in a state of bliss. 

Raindrop was sparked by a conversation between a Lakota Indian Chief, named Wallace Black Elk, and Gary Young, the founder of Young Living oils.  Some of the modalities that are blended into the technique are Tibetan healing, Native American healing, Oriental Acupressure, Massage, and Aromatherapy.

The Story of Raindrop

In his conversations with Chief Black Elk, Gary Young learned that before the border was established between the US and Canada, the Lakota Indians sought out the healing energies of the Northern Lights. The Indians believed that when the Aurora Borealis was visible, the environment was supercharged with healing energy. They would gather and perform rituals with their hands and breathe, to bring the supercharged healing energy into areas of their bodies that were suffering from any maladies. They also sought the lights out for emotional healing and spiritual upliftment.

The Art of Raindrop

Carla’s clients report amazing results with her Raindrop treatments for a variety of challenges. 

The Raindrop experience is quite relaxing and very effective in bringing about physical and emotional transformation. 

Carla Sridevi studied with Gary Young and three other teachers. The technique she uses is identical and what Gary Young originally taught is commonly referred to by some as The Dallas Technique. Coupling her 30+ years of bodywork experience with Gary’s amazing technique, the results are often life-changing for her clients. 

Although there is a specific sequence of oils used for the basic treatment, the true art of Raindrop comes from when Carla Sridevi calls “the oil jam session”. This is when she enhances the experience by tailoring oils specific to the client’s stated desired outcome. For example, someone who wants immune help, will receive additional oils that are supportive of their immunity; someone who needs help with pain relief will receive specific oils that reduce inflammation; someone else may need help with hormonal support, so they receive specific oils for the endocrine system.


Client Testimonials

“Good morning Carla. I wanted to Thank You and let the world know how wonderful you are! The Raindrop Technique massage has been truly the most amazing experience that I've ever had in a massage, and I have had many! How would I describe my experience... Somewhere between a complete sense of wellbeing, complete relaxation, Blissful, and a state of oneness..

I have been going though a very difficult time in the last 60 days and have had some very difficult choices to make. I was really "stuck" and confused. I just could not move forward with any choices that I had to make. Since my sessions with you, I've become more centered and relaxed, able to think more clearly after just two sessions with you. (an inner strength awareness you could say) And have even introduced your work and essential oils to my 19 year old daughter who loves them and says how much they have helped her.

I know people come to you for health reasons but, more importantly, I believe that your work could change their life.. It has mine!

"Your A Blessing"... Thank you!”


“When I first met Carla I happened to mention to her that I was feeling anxious. She listened attentively (Carla is one of those rare people who really do listen to what you’re saying and not what they think you’re saying). A few minutes later she returned and offerd me an oil.

This was my first experience of therapeutic-grade Essential Oils and my recollection of the experience was that I simply “melted.” The frequency of the blend of oils in this combination was very powerful and effective. Carla’s knowledge of essential oils is extensive and her enthusiasm is contagious. She has an intuitive ability to know what someone needs to assist with healing and provides this in a caring and nurturing way. The Raindrop sessions I have received from Carla have been very powerful, helping to balance and realign my energy and heightening my state of awareness. I would highly recommend consulting with Carla to receive her work.

Carla creates a very safe and sacred place for healing, incorporating many of the techniques she has practiced over the past 30 years. She is professional, kind, caring and knowledgeable and undoubtedly a gifted healer. I always felt supported and cared for during my visits and invariably left feeling better, more positive and in a lighter state of being. I would always recommend a visit to Carla before anything else.”


“Hi Carla, I am going to admit, Carla, that you were on the bottom of the list – truly my last resort. For over a year of some twenty plus medical doctors, plus a couple of specialists thrown in, reams of tests and multiple vials of blood tests, my malady remained a mystery…and in fairness to all, it still is.

However, you, your magical touch changed all that. Can you imagine my delight in being able to say that? Yep, I am back to trying to pursue a life again – driving, taking walks, reading, even adult classes. It’s frightening to realize all that I had lost during that investigative year and a half. But you managed to bring back my life – not 100% yet but we are pushing ahead.

Thank you, thank you, thank you….it is so amazing to feel so good!”

Helen T.

“The work that Sri Devi does has had a powerful effect on me.

She works with me to release old emotions/fears that get stuck in my body.

She has the ability to sense underlying issues and with a spontaneous, simple suggestion or spoken truth, she has helped me to let go of them.

Subtle and profound shifts have occurred in my life since I started experiencing her work.”


“Dear Carla,
Your Raindrop Technique Class was such an amazing learning experience working with the healing Young Living oils and the energy of the body!

Thank You for your patience, Love, and clear, concise teaching ways which allowed me to learn the technique through experiencing the incredible energetic releases and shifts throughout the day. Your Love of the oils and immense experience shined through. The group atmosphere was supportive, respectful and filled with wonder as we experienced the quality and healing of each oil. The combination of your teachings, Marilyn's assistance, and the space everyone so lovingly held for each other and themselves led to an amazing amount of work in a few hours. It has been two weeks since the class and I am still feeing the releases, balance and energetic frequencies of the healing properties of the oils as a part of the rhythm of my body. 'Thank You' again for your grace, enthusiasm and loving intent to show us the value and aliveness of the oils.”


“Dear Carla,
I feel it is an honor to study with you since you have such a vast storehouse of knowledge about aromatherapy and healing modalities. You were extremely well prepared and professional for our Raindrop class. Your instructions telling us how to prepare for the class were very helpful and made the day flow smoothly. The handout notes are good. We had plenty of book knowledge and hands-on experience to really get the most out of the day.

I appreciated your generosity in making us a delicious vegan lunch. I was thrilled that we had such attentive instruction. I would highly recommend your class to anyone and hope to learn more from you again some time.

Thanks ever so much,”

Kathleen Carline, Massage/Reiki Master Therapist