Women's Health
One woman can change anything, many women can change everything.

Let’s face it, you have a big purpose. Change and the desire to make changes brings up a lot of conflicting emotions. You may not realize it, but the thing that keeps you from achieving the life you crave is unresolved emotions. I can help you achieve your goals of health, happiness, financial abundance and success , so you experience joy at the deepest soul level.

Carla Sridevi Cohen

Meet Carla Sridevi

After working hard to rise to a prominent position in Hollywood, Carla Sridevi Cohen had a healing crisis that literally landed her in bed for 2 years.

She went from powerhouse to weak as a kitten. This experience changed the course of her life. In a quest to heal, she apprenticed with Shaman and Healers around the world, diving into personal and spiritual growth; western and eastern healing.

As a Master Healer, she is certified in 20+ modalities. She combines years of tenacious technical and intuitive study of the human body, essential oils, emotional intelligence and brain profiling to create immediate results.

She launched the Women’s Health Revolution, to shift the health and minds of all-female changemakers.  She is passionate and skilled at alleviating emotional and physical pain for her clients, helping them heal and experience deep peace.

Alongside her healing work of 30+ years, she has selflessly served millions through her volunteer work for a global organization, Embracing the World; dedicated to relieving human and global suffering.


Client Testimonials
Even though my doctor has recommended both knee and hip replacements, after a single session, the pain in both joints has greatly decreased and range of motion has improved. The post-surgery issues with my shoulder are gone. The most dramatic result came from asking her to help remove emotional blocks that I felt were interfering with successfully starting my own business. After she worked on my willingness to receive, a new income-producing activity came into my life which is both personally and financially rewarding, along with several other opportunities. I highly recommend Sridevi to anyone who wants to expand their overall wellness. Many Blessings!


I live in a different state than Carla, so we had to work remotely. I was shocked at how much she was able to help me shift. Before I worked with Carla, I felt heavy, like I was carrying a lot of baggage. I also felt a lot of darkness and sadness. Carla helped me to feel lighter, motivated and positive. She helped me release a ton of emotional baggage I didn’t even know existed. Now I feel more capable and a stronger sense of belonging.

Dana Brewer

I had been suffering undiagnosed chronic pain in my feet and ankles for at least two years: the tops of my feet and my ankles would stiffen during inactivity and start to feel better gradually only with movement. I was unable to sit comfortably and I would wobble or fall and groan when trying to get up-- I was only 46 years old but was moving like someone twice my age! This affected my meditation, my teaching of kindergarten, my music practice and my self-esteem, and the chronic pain was exhausting. My allopathic doctor suggested that a tarsal boss was responsible for the pain in one foot and recommended surgery. I had chiropractic work done, which would bring me some relief for about 10 days at a time. My naturopath was able to help me with homeopathy, but the pain would return immediately when I went off the formulas. When Sridevi offered me an emotion code session I was ready to try anything. I was quite shocked when, during our first session, I started to feel the first inkling of physical relief. I could feel an energetic movement around my feet and ankles as she narrowed down her questions and did her work. She was compassionate and sweet and made me laugh, but her intention and attention were laser-focused. After each session, she would check up on my progress and was extremely thorough in how she tackled my pain from several angles. In our third and final session (in less than two weeks' time), I felt my feet and ankles get tingly and fill with light, and then the pain was just GONE and it has not returned after five months. I could not believe it when I woke up the next morning and just stepped out of bed with ease...what an amazing gift! I cannot express enough gratitude for the freedom of movement that Sridevi found for me, and how easily and quickly it happened. It was an incredible experience!

Alicia Pizzi

She’s a modern day alchemist. The vast variety of tools and practices are a unique blend of encouragement and excavation. All with the intention of raising us to our highest potential(amazing self). 🌟🌟🌟

Amulya Brewer

Who would have thought that understanding your brain on such an intimate level could create incredible improvements in all areas of your life. I am a hypnotherapist, and an energy healer.I used to do Neurofeedback for those in treatment. I thought I knew the brain. Think again, I learned more things about my own brain, that I was astonished and so pleased. Carla, asks you to suspend all you think you know and then be open to new ways of seeing and experiencing your brain. I was privileged to be in her class with some amazing women. And all of us had some sort of challenge; physical, emotional, drastic change in circumstances, financial and all us of finding new ways to deal with Covid-19. The class required; time and commitment, weekly exercises, some of which are still used way after the class ended and monitoring of progress. Our class was unique, transformative, and powerful. I encourage anyone who wants to learn be empowered and thrive take Carla’s course. She also offers in-depth coaching as well. Please read and comment. Thank you.

Lisa Browne

I highly recommend Carla's classes on the Brain, Healing and Emotional Intelligence. I gained a lot of great insight on improving how I handle the inevitable life changes, listening deeply, reducing stress through breathwork and so much more. I loved the group approach and learning more about essential oils was an added bonus.


I really enjoyed working with Carla for the past year. While I feel like I am essentially the same person, I am more fully myself. My understanding of myself, my passions, my dreams, my challenges, and how I hold emotions in my body has deepened, allowing my self-confidence to blossom. I walk into the world with greater clarity in who I am and what I want, and more confidence and grace to ask for it – and get what I want.

One area Carla and I worked on was finding fulfillment in a profession. With Carla’s support, I explored my passions and values, which led to a rediscovery that I loved teaching. With a deepening respect and enthusiasm for my wants and desires, I got my dream teaching job and confidently asked for the salary I wanted. Carla’s excellent questions and assignments for self-discovery were essential to my commitment to creating the professional environment that was abundantly supportive.

Carla also helped me to work on the emotional baggage I carried around from life choices, divorce, generational trauma, and self judgement. With great patience, kindness, and humor, Carla taught me techniques to recognize and accept emotions, acted as a sounding board for possible solutions, and gave me feedback on my Emotional Intelligence skills. Carla also worked to clear trapped emotions that limited my progression. One of the greatest results from this work was the near elimination of migraine headaches that had plagued me for decades.

These are just a few of the tangible results I consider to have come about from my work with Carla. As with most growth experiences, working with Carla isn’t easy. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. I highly recommend working with Carla.

Kelly Marquis


Emotional Release

Emotional Release sessions are an energy healing technique from Emotion Code that help us to identify specific trapped emotions…


Brain Profiling

By learning about your emotional intelligence, you will be able to reduce your stress levels, make better decisions,  communicate…


Zen Zone Sessions

Known as Zen Zone or Corporate Zen, these sessions are for reducing anxiety and stress, taking the client into a deep state of relaxation…


Essential Harmony Healing

Essential Harmony is a form of body work and healing that grew out of years of personal growth and studies with shaman and healers…


Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop treatments are part therapy and part spa. This therapy is remarkably effective for spinal health, but also supportive of emotional…


Emotional Intelligence

According to Dr. Newberg, a neuroscientist, a single negative word can increase the activity in our amygdala (the fear center of the brain)…


Essential Oils

“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived.” Helen Keller…


Read My Articles

Come To Your Senses: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be more stressed than others? 

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What is Emotional Intelligence? 6 Steps to Improving Your EQ

From Goal Setting To Goal Getting:
by Carla Sridevi Cohen

Emotional intelligence is the ability to receive, understand, respond and communicate with

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The car is packed and you’re ready to go, your first ever cross-country trip. 

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Taking steps to manage chronic stress to ensure your body and mind are functioning as they should is a must. Routine stress is the leading cause of Heart Disease, High  Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and other illnesses. This book contains easy and effective techniques that instantly reduce your stress in 10 days.
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